Covid19 Union4 Planning

Planning under COVID-19: New Planning Legislation Update

The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020

In the current climate, Government and Local Planning Authorities are looking at ways to maintain Planning and Development Control.

New Regulations will come into force on Monday 6 April and will allow for Planning Committee Meetings to be held virtually/online. Prior to this legislation, the 1972 Local Government Act required Councillors to be present to decide applications.

From Monday, the facility to call meetings by Zoom/Skype, and/or other technology should be available, making them open to the public and the press.

Most authorities seem to be making progress with Skype or Zoom style meetings, and officers are carrying on working remotely.

Research shows that all London Authorities have now setup home/remote working facilities for officers and are continuing to progress planning applications and pre-apps.

Most Authorities are also progressing their emerging Local Plan & Policy Documents.

Please get in touch with the team to discuss this further and deal with any queries or concerns you might have.

Steven Fidgett, Director
m: 07785 978817

Jonathan Rowlatt, Director
m: 07702 065595

Alan Hannify, Director
m: 07587 002158

Tanya Kozak, Planning Consultant
m: 07715 442412