EIP for Draft New London

EiP for Draft New London Plan

The Examination in Public (EiP) for the Draft New London Plan opens on Tuesday (15th January). The EiP will be led by a panel of independent inspectors appointed by the Secretary of State, whose job will be to agree the final form and content of the new London Plan, taking account of the written statements received, the discussions at the EiP, and any changes to the Draft Plan suggested by the Mayor. The EiP hearings are scheduled to take place over the course of 11 weeks and will end in May 2019, with the Panel report expected in the summer. The EiP library is available on the GLA website and contains all the key documents relating to the draft new London Plan, including the evidence base, consultation responses and examination details.


The new London Plan is expected to be adopted in the latter half of 2019 and will establish the new framework for development within the Capital over the next decade.